We empower every adolescent girl in the community to reach her full potential.

Gender socialization and discrimination against adolescent girls is a serious human rights violation impeding them to develop to their full potential.

About Us

In many times, girls are treated as inferior and are socialized to believe so by putting themselves down which contributes to girls having low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.

Gender socialization and discrimination against adolescent girls result in the young girls becoming timid (not able to defend themselves) which often leads to teen pregnancy and contracting HIV thus, ruining their future dreams.

Our Mission

To empower every adolescent girls in the community to reach her full pontentials.

Our Vision

In the community, adolescent girls are reaching their full potential

Our Objectives

Empower girls to reach their dreams, Empower girls to challenge negative norms that disempower them & Raise awareness on girls' rights. In the community, adolescent girls are reaching their full potential.

Join The Movement

The Eagle Movement fights against the socialization and internalization that women and girls are weak, that they are chickens, instead it boldly claims that “Women and girls are Eagles not chickens.” This Girls Movement follows what the late President Julius Kambarage Nyerere wrote in 1944 while studying at Makerere University.


From sessions on confidence building, entrepreneurship skills, reproductive rights, and girls' rights, we get involved in all things that can help girls live out their full potential.

Eagle clubs in and out of school
Msichana TV
Vocational skills
Sessions on: confidence building, entrepreneurship skills, reproductive rights and girls rights
Girls Bonanza
National and International Girls Events
Recruitment of Eagle Girls
Girls Competitions
Community dialogues on girls rights
Eagle Transformative Movement
Networking/collaborating with like minded organizations

Our Articles

We share articles that help the community get a better understanding of what we are trying to accomplish. We cover a range of topics from the challenges that we face as a community to the success stories that we have seen come as a result of the efforts being put in to help adolescent girls achieve their full potential.

View Articles

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